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Avis des membres sur L'AMBROISIE

26 avis
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Marcus F.
Marcus F.
Visité en mars 2024
Espetacular! Brilhante! Melhor chef de Paris!!!!!
Visité en mars 2024
On s’attend à énormément en allant passer un moment dans un 3 étoiles et là on en a beaucoup plus
Tobias M.
Tobias M.
Visité en mars 2024
A very special experience. Truly amazing restaurant.
Lucio C.
Lucio C.
Visité en mars 2024
Ho provato questo ristorante 3 stelle michelin sia per curiosità ma sopratutto per le recensioni contrastanti lette du tripadvisor......
Dopo aver provato questa esperienza culinaria di altissimo livello non riesco proprio a capire come possano esistere certe recensioni negative....
Detto questo devo dire che tutti i piatti presi sono stati di un livello altissimo sia per la qualità delle materie prime....sia per la gusto è la presentazione......
Servizio impeccabile e location stupenda in una delle piazze più belle di Parigi.
Complimenti ci avete fatto vivere un'esperienza unica.
ya z.
ya z.
Visité en mars 2024
Shuibo W.
Shuibo W.
Visité en février 2024
台北的朋友Michael來巴黎跨年期間,邀我一起去L'Ambroisie品嚐正宗的法式料理,這是一家位於9 Place des Vosges瑪黑區孚日廣場的老牌米其林三星餐廳。

We went to L'Ambroisie today for lunch, a young waiter offered us to start with champagnes, we asked for the wine list, he said the champagnes are not on the wine list. So he didn’t give us the wine list and served us two small glasses of champagne (not even using champagne glasses)
without telling us the prices.
When we finally got the bill, one glass is 45€, another glass is 80€! We asked a senior waiter how come the second glass is so expensive? He said because it’s a very expensive champagne! We felt we were ripped off and made complaints to the owner, who showed us the wine list, surprisingly, the prices of the champagnes are on the top of the wine list! OMG! This is an absolutely dishonest service! After an argument, she only agreed to refund us 25€.
(We both had lobster dishes, the food were okay but too salty. )
I must say that L'Ambroisie is not a restaurant that deserves 3 Michelin stars, and I am pretty sure that we’re not the only victims.
Obviously this restaurant practices a dishonorable behavior and cheating on the people from different countries who come to appreciate the great French Cuisine in Paris!
Thomas W.
Thomas W.
Visité en février 2024
Ausgezeichnetes Restaurant mit hervorragenden Gerichten.
Kemei F.
Kemei F.
Visité en février 2024
C'est toujours un plaisir de venir dans ce restaurant de renom.
Bruno F.
Bruno F.
Visité en février 2024
Délicieux moments … inoubliables même !
Un homard sauce diable accompagné d’un château neuf du Pape rouge, alliance inoubliable !!
Des langoustines sésame …
Un service d’une rare élégance.
Nous étions ravis !!
Thomas W.
Thomas W.
Visité en février 2024
Expérience culinaire exceptionnelle. Entrées, plats, desserts, tout est exquis, avec mention spéciales aux truffes, omniprésentes, et au vin jaune (sole).
Le service est impeccable, compétent et souriant, discret, le ton toujours juste. Bravo à toute l’équipe !
Frédéric M.
Frédéric M.
Visité en février 2024
Après 235 repas dans un établissement doublement ou triplement étoilé Michelin, ce fut hier, jeudi 1er février 2024, mon 13ième repas à L’AMBROISIE de Monsieur Bernard PACAUD (Chef aux trois macarons Michelin depuis 1988, depuis 35 ans)...

Si vous me le permettez, je vais vous dévoiler aujourd'hui l'une de ses meilleures recettes dont l’intitulé est d'ailleurs on ne peut plus alléchant : "SON EXIGENCE en quête de L’EXCELLENCE"...

En effet, tout d'abord, Monsieur Bernard PACAUD est EXIGEANT envers lui-même, ce qui est l'une des plus belles qualités humaines, l'une des rares où la politesse EXIGE que l'on passe avant autrui...

Puis, il est EXIGEANT envers ses productrices et ses producteurs, tout en RESPECTANT chaque femme et chaque homme se cachant derrière n'importe quel corps de métier...

Ensuite, il est EXIGEANT avec les produits qu'il achète et qu'il cuisine, afin de les sublimer pour nous, ses convives...

Enfin, il est EXIGEANT envers ses collaboratrices et ses collaborateurs qui composent sa brigade, en cuisine, comme son équipe en salle, tout en RESPECTANT chaque femme et chaque homme sans lesquels L’AMBROISIE ne serait pas L’AMBROISIE, et ce, pour que ces dernières et ces derniers soient - à leur tour - EXIGEANTS envers eux-mêmes...

Désormais, c'est à nous - clients - d'être EXIGEANTS envers nous-mêmes, afin de RESPECTER le travail de Monsieur Bernard PACAUD, et celui de toutes celles et tous ceux qui œuvrent - de près au de loin - à ses côtés, que ce soit le travail de la brigade, en cuisine, comme celui de l'équipe en salle...

Pour "votre EXIGENCE en quête de L’EXCELLENCE", BRAVO et MERCI Monsieur Bernard PACAUD !...

Frédéric MATHIOT.
Visité en février 2024
Un haut lieu de la gastronomie française.

Une expérience à ne pas manquer
Chichis D.
Chichis D.
Visité en février 2024
Connue pour étant le "temple de la gastronomie française" l'Ambroisie est un lieu hors du temps pour déguster la grande cuisine française. Produits superbes, service comme on n'en trouve plus aujourd'hui.
Vitor B.
Vitor B.
Visité en janvier 2024
Minha primeira visita a um restaurante 3 estrelas Michelin foi no mais antigo de Paris a conservar o título - o L’Ambroisie, do chef Bernard Pacaud, num casarão do século XVI na Place des Vosgues, a poucos passos da casa de Victor Hugo.
O L’Ambroisie detém as três estrelas há 36 anos e hoje é o único restaurante em Paris com a condecoração máxima a não oferecer um menu degustação, ou seja, um menu por etapas com diversas porções diminutas. No L’Ambroisie, o menu é à la carte, não tem menu executivo no almoço e não há nenhuma concessão na proposta que consiste em: pratos sofisticados, os melhores ingredientes e execução impecável.
Provei dois dos pratos-assinatura do chef: o lagostim com biscoitos de gergelim e espinafre ao curry (entrada) e o robalo com alcachofra e caviar (principal).
Em seguida, pedi o pombo (sim, pombo), carne de caça que nunca tinha provado mas que me surpreendeu pela similaridade com a carne de pato, extremamente saboroso, num ponto rosado perfeito, temperado com cominho e acompanhado de uma mousseline de cenoura.
Antes da sobremesa, um serviço de queijos impressionante e, finalmente, a torta de cacau amargo com sorvete de baunilha que também é marca registrada do chef.
De tudo, no entanto, o que mais me impressionou foi o serviço. Já fui muito bem atendido em outros restaurantes Michelin mas o L’Ambroisie está um degrau acima. O garçom de sala fica sempre disponível, limpa a mesa e substitui os talheres a cada etapa do serviço; um segundo garçom traz e explica os pratos, sempre paciente com meu limitado francês e sem impor o inglês nas respostas (inclusive explicou, brincando, que os gougères da entrada eram “paum de quecho”); o maître traz o menu, tira dúvidas e sugere os pratos e sobremesas; o sommelier faz o mesmo com os vinhos, tudo se intercalando de forma perfeita, sem nenhum esforço aparente mas com extrema atenção e organização. Ah, e sem um sorriso contínuo, forçado e constrangedor que já recebi em outros estrelados. No final, deu vontade de aplaudir o espetáculo.
Vale dizer, não acho que a sofisticação proposta sirva para todo restaurante nem seja necessariamente superior. Mas, no que se propõem, os caras acertam em cheio.
Karin V.
Karin V.
Visité en janvier 2024
Nous avons passé une belle soirée dans ce restaurant. L’accueil chaleureux à la porte, le service attentionné et amable à table. On nous a servi le menu d’hiver (bcp de truffe :) On a surtout aimé les langoustines à la sauce curry, la fricassée de homard et le dos de sole (personnellement mon préféré car un plat au goût délicat et super mariage avec céleri-rave.. :) Peut être juste l’amuse-bouche nous paraissait… un peu trop habituel (saumon fumé) et.. trop salé. En revanche, les desserts étaient parfaits, délicats, pas trop sucrés… Si on ne veut pas prendre un dessert il y aura suffisamment de mignardises avec le café :)
Il y a une belle carte de vins bien sûr, quoique cher mais en choisissant bien il y aura quelque chose pour tous les goûts, y compris avec un prix abordable.
C’était sympa de voir toutes les tables dans notre salle occupées (couples, familles entières etc) donc bonne ambiance.
Un grand merci à toute l’équipe du restaurant et à bientôt pour le prochain menu au printemps!

Karin et Gea
paul-marie O.
paul-marie O.
Visité en janvier 2024
Cuisine d’exception orchestrée de main de maître par une équipe sérieuse doublée d’une pointe d’humour discrète et toujours bien placée
Merci à vous pour votre travail et votre générosité
Alexander C.
Alexander C.
Visité en janvier 2024
I left with some very mixed emotions after dining here. For a three Michelin star restaurant with a lot of history, I was ultimately disappointed.

Food: The food was beautiful but often lacked crucial elements. You could tell how much care and technique were poured into some very amazing dishes. The star of my tasting menu was the langoustine. The dish had an incredible sauce with a hint of curry which complimented the protein in an adventurous way. I was a big fan of the added texture from the crispy wafer but was not impressed by the bland spinach base. The sea bass was a stunner with its presentation, a truly luxurious dish. It played on some very classic techniques that had been upscaled to perfection. I would return to this restaurant for this dish alone if not for the chicken. I had such high hopes for the chicken but the breast was bland and dry. Even worse, the chicken drumstick was raw. Giving the benefit of the doubt, I tasted the piece to confirm my suspicions. Cold and rubbery, a complete failure.

Service: the service way good overall, but there were too many hiccups. The staff accommodated us nicely as we arrived around 5-10 minutes early. Everyone was very friendly. However, it was very weird as the wait staff just stood there and stared at us. During the service there were many awkward disturbances, continuous bumping of our chairs, knocking our glasses, dropping a metal pan in a very quiet room. One too many to go unnoticed.

For the special birthday event, the staff prepared a very lovely dessert which was excellent.

Ambiance: It was creepy. There was no background music at all so we had to whisper for the majority of our dinner. I could hear the other patrons conversations like they were sitting right next to me. As mentioned previously, the wait staff staring at me while I ate was very unnerving.

Overall: I left with the feeling of unfulfilled desire for excellence. I had such high hopes going in but left wanting much more. I would return to L'Ambroise for certain aspects but they need to clean up their act if they want to impress.
Sophia U.
Sophia U.
Visité en janvier 2024
I really expected a lot better dish and taste for a 3 star restaurant. Started with a smoke salmon? The lobster with curry is way over powering. The wait between the dish got me falling sleeping. $350 for lunch and the dish was below expectations. Do not recommend
Ayaka S.
Ayaka S.
Visité en janvier 2024
Visité en janvier 2024
Annie L.
Annie L.
Visité en janvier 2024
L’Ambroisie delivered the warmest, hearty service among all the Michelin ⭐️⭐️⭐️ restaurants we’ve visited last November. We didn’t try a lot of food here this time, but absolutely looking forward to the next visit for more stunning dishes!!! @ambroisieparis
Sergejs P.
Sergejs P.
Visité en janvier 2024
As someone who has dined at many fine establishments, L'Ambroisie in the historic Marais district of Paris stands out as a beacon of culinary excellence. Here's my take on this exquisite dining destination.
What Impressed Me:
Exemplary French Cuisine: L'Ambroisie is a temple of classic French gastronomy. The dishes here are a perfect blend of tradition and finesse, offering flavors that are both intricate and comforting.
The Ambiance of Elegance: Dining here feels like stepping into a piece of French history. The restaurant, set in a beautiful 17th-century townhouse, provides an ambiance of understated elegance that is both intimate and grandiose.
Service Par Excellence: The staff at L'Ambroisie are the epitome of professionalism and grace. Their attention to detail and deep knowledge of the menu and wine list enhanced our dining experience remarkably.
Michelin Star Magic: As a three Michelin star restaurant, L'Ambroisie lives up to its reputation with every dish presented. The quality of the food and the artistry in its preparation are evident in every course.
An Ever-Evolving Menu: The chef's commitment to using the freshest, highest quality ingredients means the menu is constantly evolving with the seasons, offering new and exciting experiences with each visit.
A Minor Caveat:
Exclusive Pricing: Reflecting its status and quality, the prices at L'Ambroisie are on the higher side. This makes it more suitable for special occasions rather than casual dining.
My Verdict:
L'Ambroisie is not just a meal; it's a culinary journey through the heart of French cuisine. The combination of exquisite food, an enchanting setting, and impeccable service makes it a must-visit for anyone seeking a truly exceptional dining experience in Paris. The price is a testament to the quality and care put into every aspect of the restaurant. A visit to L'Ambroisie is a treat for the senses and a celebration of culinary artistry.
Jainif M.
Jainif M.
Visité en décembre 2023
Great a la carte 3 star option - one of the few in the world. Food was excellent
Yanchuan L.
Yanchuan L.
Visité en décembre 2023
One of the best, if not the best, fine dining experiences of French cuisine I have ever had in Paris. I don't want to waste words on the foods and drinks offered here, if you have a budget, it simply will not disappoint you. The thing I want to mention is about their service. Of course, everyone is paying attention to what's happening on the table. But their kid-friendly atmosphere and patience are still out of my expectation. It's really memorable to have such a formal but also casual dinner just next to the maison de Victor Hugo. If you get a chance, just give this place a try.
Visité en décembre 2023
미슐랭 3스타에 걸맞는 서비스와 분위기

36년동안 유지하는 이유가 있는듯

서비스 또한 일품이며, 고급진 식사의 정석을 느꼈다

랍스터 요리는 압도적이다
Visité en août 2019
Nous étions accueillis chaleureusement à l'Ambroise. Super resto.



Y aller et contacter

Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
9, place des Vosges, 75004Paris, France
Voir sur la carte
Je suis le propriétaire
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Horaires d'ouverture

12:00 - 13:45 et 20:00 - 21:45
12:00 - 13:45 et 20:00 - 21:45
12:00 - 13:45 et 20:00 - 21:45
12:00 - 13:45 et 20:00 - 21:45
12:00 - 13:45 et 20:00 - 21:45
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